Sunday, 2 October 2011

David Copperfield

It turns out that finding time to read is pretty tricky with a tiny baby. Having found a bit of time to read, it is even trickier to find time to update a blog about it!

Small child is currently being rocked by Martin but shortly to be handed back to me, so, very quickly, David Copperfield.

The more Dickens I read, the more it confirms that I don't enjoy Dickens! DC was relatively readable but immensely depressing - without spoiling anything, I can say that each time you think it can't get worse, it does - rather Hardy-esque. It gave the impression of having been written for serialisation, but I don't know if that was the case or not...

won't be reading it again. To the Dickens fans out there, apologies for just writing him off. I still have to read Bleak House - joy. I would probably have given slightly more time to explaining why I was less than enchanted with it, were it not for the screaming child demanding my attention!