Monday 15 February 2010

The BBC's top 100 books

I don't know whether it's the start of the new decade, but this year seems to be the year of the list, with friends trying to achieve 52 in 52 (books or games, in as many weeks), or 101 in 1001 (tasks on a list, in 1001 days). I don't quite have the time or imagination to do either of these, so I've decided to set myself a task that I have already more than half completed - is this cheating? :-)

In February last year, the BBC published a list of the top 100 books to read before you die, reckoning that most people would have read 6 or 7 of them. At the time, I'd read 52, and so felt smug at being very well read. A year on, and I have only read two more, so have decided to publicly set myself the challenge of reading the rest. I'd like to say that I'll do it by the end of the year; not sure how realistic that is given that I have to go to work as well, and the Complete Works of Shakespeare are on the list (thankfully I've already read the Bible) but we'll see!

So, the list. As a starting point, the ones in red are the ones I've read, and I'll update them into blue as I read more. This is going to challenge me in overcoming my prejudices (I have tried time and again to read Dickens, and never enjoyed it, and I have never wanted to read Lord of the Rings) but hopefully give me a focus for reading - I read extensively and quite randomly, and generally not books of the highest quality!
  1. Pride & Prejudice
  2. The Lord of the Rings
  3. Jane Eyre
  4. Harry Potter series
  5. To kill a mockingbird
  6. The Bible
  7. Wuthering Heights
  8. Nineteen Eighty-Four
  9. His Dark Materials
  10. Great Expectations
  11. Little Women
  12. Tess of the D'Urbervilles
  13. Catch 22
  14. Complete Works of Shakespeare
  15. Rebecca
  16. The Hobbit
  17. Birdsong
  18. The Catcher in the Rye
  19. The Time Traveller's Wife
  20. Middlemarch
  21. Gone with the Wind
  22. The Great Gatsby
  23. Bleak House
  24. War and Peace
  25. The Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy
  26. Brideshead Revisited
  27. Crime and Punishment
  28. Grapes of Wrath
  29. Alice in Wonderland
  30. The Wind in the Willows
  31. Anna Karenina
  32. David Copperfield
  33. The Chronicles of Narnia
  34. Emma
  35. Persuasion
  36. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  37. The Kite Runner
  38. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  39. Memoirs of a Geisha
  40. Winnie the Pooh
  41. Animal Farm
  42. The Da Vinci Code
  43. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  44. A Prayer for Owen Meaney
  45. The Woman in White
  46. Anne of Green Gables
  47. Far from the Madding Crowd
  48. The Handmaid's Tale
  49. Lord of the Flies
  50. Atonement
  51. Life of Pi
  52. Dune
  53. Cold Comfort Farm
  54. Sense & Sensibility
  55. A Suitable Boy
  56. The Shadow of the Wind
  57. A Tale of Two Cities
  58. Brave New World
  59. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
  60. Love in the Time of Cholera
  61. Of Mice & Men
  62. Lolita
  63. The Secret History
  64. The Lovely Bones
  65. Count of Monte Cristo
  66. On the Road
  67. Jude the Obscure
  68. Bridget Jones' Diary
  69. Midnight's Children
  70. Moby Dick
  71. Oliver Twist
  72. Dracula
  73. The Secret Garden
  74. Notes from a Small Island
  75. Ulysses
  76. The Bell Jar
  77. Swallows and Amazons
  78. Germinal
  79. Vanity Fair
  80. Possession
  81. A Christmas Carol
  82. Cloud Atlas
  83. The Colour Purple
  84. The Remains of the Day
  85. Madame Bovary
  86. A Fine Balance
  87. Charlotte's Web
  88. The Five People You Meet in Heaven
  89. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
  90. The Faraway Tree Collection
  91. Heart of Darkness
  92. The Little Prince
  93. The Wasp Factory
  94. Watership Down
  95. A Confederacy of Dunces
  96. A Town Like Alice
  97. The Three Musketeers
  98. Hamlet
  99. Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
  100. Les Miserables

1 comment:

  1. It surprises me to see 98 separately on the list, while 14 is there, still you can knock them both off in one (rather long) go.
